DEAC Picture Day 2025 | Costumes and More

We are very excited for your child’s participation in DEAC‘s Written in the Stars Student Production 2025! We have begun sending costumes home in preparation for Picture Day Week. The following are policies regarding costume maintenance. Compliance with them will ensure that your child has the best recital experience.
A Bit About Costumes
*Primary Acro students and select boy’s costumes will not be arriving until the week of pictures*
1. To ensure a quality fit, we have measured your child. If there is any tailoring that needs to be done, it is the responsibility of the parent. Sizes have been ordered to best accommodate your child’s size requirements. (Item can always be altered smaller, not larger). Do not allow your child to wear the costume until the performance.
2. Be sure your hands and the child’s hands are clean when handling the costume.
3. Do not consume food or drink while wearing costumes.
4. Tights & other accessories are for performance only. It is important that all tights match on stage.
5. Place costume in a high-quality garment bag when traveling to and from performances.
6. Store costumes at home in a closet to keep them protected from siblings and pets.
7. To remove wrinkles, please do NOT iron. Ironing could change the color, burn the fabric, & deteriorate the costume. Steaming is a safe option. Hanging the costume in the bathroom during hot showers works well to eliminate wrinkles.
8. Each item of costuming (including footwear) must be labeled with your child’s name & CANNOT be replaced.
9. Create a recital checklist for every item for every costume. Refer to the list before you leave for performance venue.
10. Complete make up and hair before putting costume on to keep it clean.
11. If after the performance you want the costume cleaned, check with your dry cleaner for the best process. Some cleaning methods can ruin the fabric & trims.
If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask.
The following items are needed to complete your child’s costume for recital & picture day.
Please Note:
1. Alterations (hems, straps) may be needed and are the responsibility of the parent. Be sure to consider growth of the child before cutting fabric. For hems, please sew or use iron-on hem tape.
2. Tutus and some other fabrics cannot be ironed. Steam them!!! Check with staff if not sure.
3. Do not allow your child to play in or with the costumes. It is the only costume you have.
4. Wear tights (included) for picture day and performances.
5. Order shoes most cost effectively from Use our teacher code: TP44059. Please consider growth of the child when ordering.
6. All Intro, Pre Dance, and Level 1 classes need PINK ballet shoes and BLACK tap shoes. Level 2 and above require BLACK oxford taps, PINK ballet shoes, and BLOCH PULSE TAN jazz shoe. All Lyrical and Contemporary classes require TAN footies.
If you have any questions, email us at [email protected] or call (412)364-5505.
Picture Day Week
We have a new photographer this year! Sarenane Photography will be onsite for four days taking beautiful photos of all dancers in costume. Please review the attached order form and picture day schedule at the top and review thoroughly. All order forms and payments should be given to the Sarenae representative the day of pictures. DEAC does not collect picture forms or payments.
Intro to Dance and Pre Dance classes will be individual shots and sibling shots only. Level 1 and above will be both individual and group shots. If you do not wish for your child to participate in a group photo, please notify the staff ahead of time by email.
If you would like to have a sibling shot or any additional photos done beyond individual pictures, please email the studio BEFORE PICTURE DAY WEEK. The schedule is extremely tight and we must have advanced notice of any extra photos being taken. We thank you for your cooperation.